Friday, 26 December 2008


Hello and Happy new Year!
...everyone always says that, it gets quite annoying actually.
2009 has started as usual, Christmas has been and gone, and left the bill, Britain is freezing cold and everyone is slipping around on the ice, and I have a borderline flu cold that is making me grumpy.

A quick re-post of my Indian Mythology trio since I've tweaket the heck out of all 3 pictures for print. Hopefully a few of these and one or two other of my pictures will sell a few prints in a local art enterprise shop in Merthyr.

(above) A gift for a good friend of 2 of her characters.

Rayman fanart? Well, sort of, another gift for another friend!

ANOTHER Christmas gift, a portrait remake of my brother and his lovely girlfriend (both of whom are artists, so it was a bit nerve wracking to give a picture as a present!)
And LOOK!! WATERCOLOURS! I had almost forgotten that they existed.

Monday, 15 December 2008

December update

Everyone wants to be Batman (and Gotham Knight just rocks.)
And Happy graduaion, Mel!! Xx